In a Fertile Desert: Modern Writing from the United Arab Emirates

In a Fertile Desert is the first collection of short stories ever published featuring authors from the United Arab Emirates.  Bringing together twenty unique voices from every part of the country, this slim volume is filled with beautiful prose and  rich in cultural detail.

"They were going out to sea in their large boat whose prow rose up like a legendary bird, while behind them gleamed a storm of foam, spraying in all directions, making of the disturbed waves the delta of an exhausted river.  They set off, with the sea a vast expanse, leaving behind them the empty concrete cities and a ribbon of widely spaced date palms standing erect above the shoreline like women anxiously awaiting the return of their breadwinners." 
"Fishhooks" by Nasser Jubran

Denys Johnson-Davies has been called "the leading Arabic-English translator of our time" and has translated more than thirty works.

Published:  2009
Length:  112 pages
Set in:  United Arab Emirates