Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood
In Marjane Satrapi's graphic memoir Persepolis, she details growing up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution. A carefree child who dreams of becoming either a prophet or a rock star, Marjane begins to see her world change in drastic, alarming ways. Girls and boys are separated in schools, and the girls must wear veils at all times. Bombs fall on Tehran and protesters are beaten in the streets. Family friends disappear for months, returning with terrible stories of prison and torture. As Iran becomes more and more dangerous for her family, Marjane feels the awakening of her own revolutionary spirit.
Marjane Satrapi is an author, illustrator, and film director. Her books include Persepolis, Persepolis 2, Embroideries, and Chicken with Plums. Born in Iran, she now lives in Paris, France.
© Marjane Satrapi and Pantheon.
Published: 2000
Length: 153 pages
Set in: Tehran, Iran